I have had the pleasure of working with Keith for over three years as part of his involvement with the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship in New York City, and among the many qualities that he has shown that has impressed me, I have perhaps been most struck by his ability to ‘roll with the punches’ and to stick to the goal, in spite of the numerous growing pains our office has encountered as we have attempted to make a significant impact in NYC. Keith has been there almost from the start of my tenure at NFTE and throughout these three years, he has proven to be an enthusiastic, focused, smart and ‘nicely-intense’ volunteer and board member. Were it not for the perseverance and dedication of young New Yorkers like Keith, organizations like ours would not be able to get a toehold and move ahead in a very competitive environment. Keith, by thinking and acting creatively and decisively has been integral to our plan to grow our footprint, and he has been a friend and guide to countless students as a speaker, mentor and friend. Although we are thankful for all our volunteers, it’s those like Keith who year-in and year-out help give us the confidence to keep pushing ahead no matter what. I am grateful for all he has done for NFTE and for the professional, steady ways which he has done it.