I am thankful for Thanksgiving. A holiday centralized around family, food, relaxing, and reflection. From memories of early morning car rides into Manhattan to watch the Macy’s Day Parade, to reuniting with old friends while home from college on break.
Thanksgiving allows for families to come together without the stress associated with everyday life. Whether a mother or father, son or daughter, student or professional, Thanksgiving seems to slow down time and allow for appreciation. I am thankful for my family and the ability to share this time with them.
Like most American holidays, the celebration centers around a feast. This year will be the first time my girlfriend and I host Thanksgiving. We feel incredibly lucky to have started our careers and be afforded the opportunity to live in New York City.
Thanksgiving day is one of the few that I truly disconnect. I remove myself from work and all activities associated with my business. During an average day I am continuously plugged in. Whether writing a report, incessantly answering emails, or visiting client locations, I don’t usually take time to think. As Mark Suster posited, there are three types of people – Thinkers, Planners, and Doers – but all three must sometimes shift roles and view their responsibilities from another perspective. Thanksgiving is a day to relax and reflect.
Thank you.