01 Mar

Digital CliffsNotes | Summarize Text Instantly with Topicmarks

Do you remember those racks of yellow and black books in the corner of the University shop? The ones that your teacher despised and you relied on. Well, CliffsNotes does not even begin to compare with a semantic text startup that has been stirring the pot in recent weeks.

After winning multipl...

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21 Jan

Lake Placid | A Destination for Skiers

The “Weekly Wrap Up” post is published every Friday and highlights the concluding week’s activities and events through text, images and video. I hope you enjoy and encourage you to subscribe via RSS and/or Email.

There was Web 1.0 and now Web 2.0. While some people debate as to the exact defin...

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07 Jan

Brand Your Emails | WiseStamp Signature

The “Weekly Wrap Up” post is published every Friday and highlights the concluding week’s activities and events through text, images and video. I hope you enjoy and encourage you to subscribe via RSS and/or Email.

This past week was very hectic. Between meetings, preparing for upcoming events ...

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31 Dec

The Yearly Review | 2010

I have never written an end of the year blog entry before. Actually, before this year, I never thought I would author a blog, let alone more than one! So, I looked at a few examples to find some inspiration. I especially liked how Will Strohl quoted Brad Pitt from the movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith:

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