28 Apr

How to Create a Professional Online Identity | Facebook

Everyone turns to LinkedIn for professional networking. Unfortunately their personal contacts – including close friends and family – are part of their Facebook networks. As I have stated previously, “In LinkedIn, you add a ‘connection’ or a ‘contact’ to your networking. In Facebook, you add a ‘fr...

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11 Apr

THINQACTION | Transform Potential into Performance

Antonio Neves is anything but a typical advisor. It was during the first week of 2011 that I was introduced to Antonio, my now advisor and more importantly, friend.

Antonio Neves enabled me to focus on my priorities, set clear short-term goals and accomplish my dreams. As a personal advisor, A...

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08 Mar

Liquidspace | Find a Great Space to Work Now

Nearly 375 million professionals are classified as mobile workers and require a coffee shop, shared workspace or other environment on a daily basis. In essence almost anywhere will do – as long as there is WiFi available and an outlet for power! Unfortunately, many of the most popular places beco...

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22 Feb

Vizibility | When I Google You, What Do I Find?

When James Alexander searched Google for his name in 2009 he found everything but information about him. This frustration was a result from his very common name, comprised of two first names. Only after utilizing Google’s advance search function and targeting his past work history along with othe...

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14 Feb

Valentines Day | The Social Media Edition

It is everyone’s favorite Hallmark holiday! Valentines Day comes once a year and reminds couples to appreciate one another and singles of their love of chocolate. The growth of social media and massive improvements to communication tools has changed dating. In previous blog posts, I have discusse...

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