When James Alexander searched Google for his name in 2009 he found everything but information about him. This frustration was a result from his very common name, comprised of two first names. Only after utilizing Google’s advance search function and targeting his past work history along with other discerning personal characteristics was James able to configure and control the results that portrayed him in the best possible light.
At the time, James simply copied the extensive Google search query URL and created a shortened Bit.ly link. By sharing this custom link to tailored Google results on his personal LinkedIn page he was in complete control of what potential business partners, clients and recruiters saw when they pressed: “Google Me”. James knew that others would find this process to be useful and decided to share his idea; Vizibility was launched soon after.
There are millions of people who suffer because they have two first names, a very unique name or an impossible to spell name. James Alexander was not the only one who suffered from this problem: a lack of relevant search results on Google. There is a need for a button that, in essence, would be a Google Me button that returns the results an individual wants you to see first.
Current job seekers are one of the many types of people who could utilize Vizibiliy’s service. Hiring managers and recruiters are making hiring decisions based on search queries online. About 45% of hiring managers hired a candidate because Google search results supported what was displayed on their resume. James specifically mentioned the importance for unemployed individuals to create their own Google Me buttons. As a candidate, vying for an open position, you must “take away every reason for an employer to say no to you. If you can get [a hiring manager] from your resume to your featured search results, that could save you.”
Vizibility’s innovative approach, called PreSearch™, is a proactive strategy where users pre-select the information they want displayed in search results. Through a simple wizard, the Vizibility service makes it a snap for users to quickly create and share the optimal Google search for themselves and their companies. Vizibility’s patent-pending service provides users with a free, permanent SeachMe link and button which return just these results. This PreSearch can be added easily to online profiles, websites, resumes, email signatures, business cards and anywhere else they have to be visible.
Currently, Vizibility allows its users to create a button and a link to their top 5 Google search results. However, next month Vizibility will be creating a QR code (Quick Response) that directs anyone who takes a picture of this “barcode” to their Vizibility controlled search results. It makes a great edition to your business card!
Control your Google search results today!
I became interested in Vizibility because of the obvious application for my clients at eBranding Me. However, after meeting with Founder & CEO James Alexander earlier this week, I began to see the added value this simple tool will bring to many current students, young professionals and seasoned businessmen. For a great overview of the product, its history and a sneak peak at some of the company’s plans for expansion, watch the following interview below.