A new iPhone App has just been released that enables users to share their road rage with an online community. DriveMeCrazy is a way to leave feedback about another driver by tagging their license plate and location.
The application is optimized for ease-of-use while driving. Simply speak the offender’s license plate number and voice your complaint. You can even accompany your audio recording with a rating and/or an aggressive flag.
DriveMeCrazy also allows for you to search for other drivers’ records – even enabling a user to see what types of drivers are within the immediate area. Furthermore, the app lets you track your own license pate, revealing how others truly feel about your driving abilities!
The best part is the data collected by DriveMeCrazy is submitted to both insurance companies and local law enforcement – talk about accountability!
Don’t worry, it isn’t all bad. If you happen to come across another driver and wish you had time to ask him or her out on a date, you could always flag them as cute in hopes of meeting up later! Just make sure to drive safe while on your date!