08 Dec

Digital Snooping | Results in More Trouble than it is Worth

The “Netiquette” column at CNN.com is full of interesting content that can be of value to all individuals who participate on the World Wide Web. In a recent column titled, “The Perils of Digital Snooping”, authors Brenna Ehrlich and Andrea Bartz discus how to “minimize the damage both to your own conscience and to your relationship” when snooping online.

The Internet and social networking websites have created many more opportunities for couples and close friends to stumble across things they later wish they hadn’t. Some have even admitted to actively spying on friends and family. A recent survey in Britain showed that 14% of wives have “checked-up” on their significant other’s emails, 13% read texts and 10% went through their browser history; all in the name of maintaining a strong, trustworthy relationship, of course.

From Facebook stalking to backlogged text messages to social check-ins using geo-location technology, it is pretty easy for anyone to find out all aspects of an individual’s social and professional life online. There are even some tools specifically designed to conveniently organize the information for your stalking pleasure: Whozat and Pipl.

While Ehrlich and Bartz share three simple rules to minimize the damage caused by digital snooping, I would like to hear how accidental espionage has impacted your life. Have you ever had to approach a friend, family member and/or partner to inform them of something troubling you found on their phone, email, browser history or even their diary?

Please leave your responses in the comments sections below. Thank you for your participation and help!