17 Mar

Social Media Isn’t Foreplay

Try to simply purchase a cup of coffee without running into some adolescent or young adult who has his or her head buried in their smartphone. I challenge you.

Interestingly enough, Nate Freeman, a journalist for The New York Observer, concludes that modern communication tools and social netwo...

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14 Feb

Valentines Day | The Social Media Edition

It is everyone’s favorite Hallmark holiday! Valentines Day comes once a year and reminds couples to appreciate one another and singles of their love of chocolate. The growth of social media and massive improvements to communication tools has changed dating. In previous blog posts, I have discusse...

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03 Mar

Single or Unemployed?

The commonalities between dating and the search for employment have been referenced time and time again.  This past week I attended an Etiquette Dinner arranged by Skidmore College.  The Board of Alumni attended as experts in the field of the Dos & Don’ts of networking.  While I enjoyed the c...

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