Are you overwhelmed with using fragmented services online that don’t communicate with each other? Do your Google Contacts always match your growing list of Facebook Friends? Can you remember if your last conversation with your sister happened over email, Twitter or LinkedIn? I sometimes find myself visiting my personal website to search a term to see if I have ever covered it. Well, now a young developer has solved our problems by allowing users to index their personal lives and create a searchable database.
Greplin pulls from services you use most and displays private social data depending on your query. Setting up an account takes mere minutes and requires granting permission to Greplin to access your personal profiles. It currently supports the following indexes (*indicate premium fee): Gmail, *Google Apps Mail, Facebook, Twitter, Dropbox, LinkedIn, Google Calendar, *Google Apps Calendar, Google Docs, *Google App Docs, Google Contacts, *Google App Contacts, *Evernote, *Yammer, *Salesforce, and *Highrise. Some new services are already announced as in-the-works and will include, Basecamp, Google Voice, and Google Reader.
Greplin’s personal search engine is my new home page. Greplin has become my first stop when working on a new project or resuming work on an old one. I can easily access all files I have stored in the cloud, see any messages exchanged with a client or colleague, and even see their most recent personal updates on social networking websites.
For example, just yesterday I was reconnecting with a client who had requested an update to her website. After a simple search query I found all of the FTP login information, our previous conversations regarding design aspects and a recent Facebook update that she had recently moved into a new apartment. This allowed for me to complete the work with little hassle and respond with a very personal note. Thanks Greplin!
So get organized and access your life from one simple search engine. It’s completely tailored for you!